

來源:廣東作家網(wǎng) |   2017年05月10日09:54

















Migration and European & American Literature

Wei Wei

Good Morning everybody! First of all, I’m very glad to participate in the “China-Australia Literary Forum” and would like to warmly welcome my Australian peers, the writers Jones and Wright, to Guangzhou, where we have the opportunity to discuss a topic titled “Literature, Migration and Region”. I guess everyone here must have a certain sense of personal concern towards the word “migration”, for amongst us surely many have witnessed or even had a first-hand experience of such an issue.

Indeed, migration is a subject of global importance nowadays, which as we all know, has swept not only China, but also across Oceania, Europe and America. Migration and immigration between countries and between rural and urban areas has become a common issue of this generation and one of the topics that every country and every region share in one way or another.

There’s an ancient saying in Chinese that goes: “Movement means life for a person as much as it means death for a tree”. In other words, when a human being finds himself living in anguish and distress, moving to another place may shackle those feelings of uneasiness and restlessness. I do think this is the greatest charm of migration, for it is through change, movement and flow that one attempts to make one’s own life happier. The Book of Exodus of The Bible is a touching story about faith, but seen from another perspective it is also a story about migration: a narrative about one man leading his people from one place to another into a new life.

This tells us that migration is as ancient as humanity itself. Many of our ancestors left their birthplace for survival, then hacked their way through thorns and thistles with women by their side and children on their back, and little by little started widening the limits of their land. No matter where they arrived, they settled down, tilled the land, threw a seed, reproduced…then the son would continue his father’s endeavour and the youngsters of the new generation would further explore faraway places. Therefore, migrating and settling down are equally important and it’s impossible to tell which one prevails in the history of civilizations. Or we can say the human being resembles a pendulum that sways between settling down and migrating over through the millennia …a pendulum that keeps oscillating. 

Today we discuss the topic of “migration”, a word that, no one would deny it, is a fundamental keyword of our generation … even maybe of every generation, and I believe that a close analysis would reveal that this happens because migration brings so many things other than migration itself, a point in which essentially differs from settling down.

I actually seldom follow international news, but still I do know that at this moment all Europe has suffered the anguish of migration due to the huge amounts of people that has arrived from Middle East, jeopardizing the peace and stability that Europe once had. If we see it from the perspective of the blameless Europeans, migration is just like waking up one morning and realizing that a bunch of injured, wounded people is lying on your doorway. They’re starving, moaning and eager to enter your house. It is clear that they’re not your own people; they’re suspicious and might be dangerous. If you reject them you might feel inhumane and they will likely attack you; if you help them, then your children will starve to death. I think this is the big dilemma Europe faces nowadays, for it seems that in this powerful reality called “migration”, your pure humanism can’t reach your will.

Frankly speaking, I understand all this not because of the Internet news but because of literature. There is a novel that was widely welcome in China some years ago called 2666. A part of the novel swirls about contemporary life in Europe with four young university intellectuals from England, France, Italy and Spain as its main characters. These intellectuals became good friends after meeting in an international congress and, one of them being a girl, at its turn winds up developing a very ambiguous relationship among the four. But regardless of that ambiguity, they remained being good friends and, although they all had quite an unleashed personality, all highly cherished that particular friendship. They called each other at night, talked for hours over the phone about how much they missed one another and every now and then got together. One time, they gathered in London, drank until dusk became midnight and then got into a taxi. Drunk as they were, they first started debating on philosophy and literature and then, very bluntly, moved to talk about love. The taxi driver was a Pakistani who first got involved in the conversation but then remained quiet until he realized the nature of their relationship. Then he became astonished, disgusted, furious…and started to insult them. He scolded them as beasts and bitch. He ordered them to get out of his taxi, for they had stained his car seats and disgraced his ears. They have made him cry. That night, I believe the starry sky of this Pakistani driver collapsed, for this episode was the most humiliating experience of his life. He heard what he shouldn’t have and thus learnt that there are people on this world that live filthier lives than beasts and swine. They’ve destroyed his life. As for those European intellectuals, at first they were indifferent towards the whole cursing but, as the driver went on, they started to get angry until they ran out of patience, dragged him out of the taxi and started beating him. The more they hit him, the angrier they got and that went on until they utterly forgot the reasons why they were hitting him, but still kept going driven by an instinctual force of hatred and wrath. They hit him until he was but a meat plaster against the pavement. Then the intellectuals got scared, jumped into the taxi and ran away. Once inside, they also started crying.

What I want to illustrate with this story is that although the main topic of 2666 is not by any means migration, this narration allows us to get a glimpse of European culture, to gaze at its complexity and chaos, at their human heartedness and at the confusion of a society utterly beset by war. Thus, although we can’t say that all of these aspects are a result of migration, we can at least say that migration is highly responsible for the bigger part. Not long after I finished reading this novel, I happened to stumble upon a news article in which France was bringing forth legislative amendments to tackle the problem of Middle East immigrants and refugees. I believe that something that can go as far as to startle a country’s legislation is evidence enough of the extent and importance of this issue.

The situation in the United States is slightly broader than in Europe. Of course, this may have to do with the fact that the United States is a country of immigrants on the first place, so what once weird was become familiar. There’s a short story, published not long ago called Drown, which has been praised as a milestone literary piece of contemporary America. Why? Because the story depicts a stereotypical image of an America we’ve been long acquainted with, but from the eyes and thoughts of an absolute outsider. The writer, Junot Diaz, was born in Dominican Republic and moved to the U.S. at around eight or nine years old along with his family, so this story might be his autobiography. In the narrative, the father first migrates and struggles to send money back to his family every now and then. Many years later, when his wife and son finally arrive, they realize he was already living with another family, so both families had no choice but to settle in a little street in New Jersey: a poor, noisy, hopeless little street in which his mother used to cry for her equally hopeless life…But this story is told from the eyes of a little kid, so distress mixes with happiness and curiosity. The little boy knew he was in America and treasured that fact. He observed the pedestrians walking down the street, what they had for clothes and wore for make-up, how they whistled, how the pigeons flew up on the sky…was there a difference with what he saw back home? Of course there was. This was America.

I was absolutely charmed with the way this little foreign kid saw the world while I was reading this story. A poor boy from a poor country through whom, although he lived in a desolated slum, we could see a brand new, youthful and vibrant America; an America that transcended that shabby street of New Jersey; a splendid, brightly colourful America that could otherwise only be seen in a Hollywood dancing musical. On the other hand, when this same America is depicted by American writers, we can only see the boredom, meagreness and void of an adult society portrayed with a certain sense of decay. What I like to highlight is that in Drown we are able to see another kind of gift offered by migration, a brand-new horizon to approach life in which the murky grey can be turned into bright light and hope.

Before finishing my speech I would like to shortly talk about The Pickup, a typical novel about migration written by the South African writer Nadine Gordimer. In this novel, a girl named Julie falls in love with a young fellow from the Middle East. For a certain reason they wind up going back to the desert of the fellow’s hometown, living a life far distant from the mundane world. Afterwards, even the husband can’t take the solitude of his own place and decides to run off to America. But Julie decides to stay and forges a friendship with a group of Muslims. Julie is, of course, an immigrant, but a sort of backwards immigrant who left the civilized society to plunge into poverty. For these wealthy girls, it seems, material things can only render us feeble, whereas amidst poverty we can put forth our unyielding will. In sum, many are the causes of migration: some seek asylum, some want to become wealthy and some, like Julie, plunge into poverty in a search to realize her spiritual self through migration.

We have to admit that those who entrench themselves in their own native places are fewer than ever before. Even if we are not migrants ourselves, we could be the descendants or the parents of migrants. In other words, although migration seems to be an abnormal phenomenon, it actually is a common and ordinary behaviour of the human species and among the practices left by our ancestors; migration was already rooted in their habits, for the endless curiosity and eagerness to approach faraway places and the unknown world is part of human nature. Surely, it has brought disputes, hostility and conflicts but at the same time it has conveyed vitality, creation and, to a certain extent, an integration of cultures and ways of living that is only limited because absolute fusion is almost impossible, just like religion shows us. In any case, wrangles are not likely to end in the future.

I believe that is migration and not settling down what has been and will be an on-going inspiration topic for literary creation to approach the complexity and richness of this world. Examples in European and American literature are numerous but due to time limitations, I shall stop here. Thank you very much!