

來源:廣東作家網(wǎng) |   2017年05月10日10:17







在北京開卷信息技術(shù)公司發(fā)布的《2016年度國內(nèi)外圖書零售市場報告》中,2016年,中國圖書零售市場總規(guī)模為701億元,較2015年的624億元同比增長12.30%,新書品種數(shù)約為21.03萬,同比上年增長4.31%,連續(xù)五年保持穩(wěn)定。少兒、文學(xué)、教輔三大細分類別是市場增長的主要推動力。文學(xué)同比增長率在16.1%。中國國家新聞出版廣電總局發(fā)布的《2015年新聞出版產(chǎn)業(yè)分析報告》中,2015年紙書的銷售相較于2014年,不但沒有下降,反而有所增長。2015年全國共出版圖書47.6萬種,較2014年增長6.1%。圖書出版實現(xiàn)營業(yè)收入822.6億元,比上一年增長4.0%;利潤總額125.3億元,增長了7.0%; 2015年出版重印圖書21.5萬種,增加2.3萬種,增長11.9%。重印圖書46.2億冊(張),增加4.9億冊(張),增長11.8%,大幅超過新版圖書。書籍單品種平均印數(shù)有所增加,當(dāng)年累計印數(shù)超過百萬冊的書籍由2014年的66種增加到68種。這些數(shù)據(jù)都表明,傳統(tǒng)出版業(yè)盡管增長緩慢,但并不缺乏活力。









Prospects and Reasons of Publishing

Liu Fang

As a long-standing industry which remains in existence for a long time, publication provides specialized services that allow authors to write content that can be easily read by the public more extensively. With the support of technology, it enables people to openly present and spread cognition of themselves and the world. So it is a social activity with both cultural and informative properties. The core competence of the publishing industry is the ability to deal with cultural and informative content. Editors and institutions with professional publishing skill specialize in discovering, processing, disseminating ideas and knowledge. They also autonomously deal with or assist authors in the innovation of ideas and knowledge.

Publication grew into an industry as a result of printing, which is the precursor of modern civilization and the widespread dissemination and communication of knowledge. Printing has had a significant impact on the development of world civilizations and human culture. The development of the publishing industry has been subject to the carrier of communication. In the development of human thought and culture from symbols on bones, stones, bamboo slips to words on silk and paper and then to what we can observe in the modern world such as the Internet, abstract ideas and knowledge must be presented and spread through these carriers. New media platform emerges mainly because it is more economical and convenient than previous methods.

Today, because of the progress of IT and the Internet, publishing is undergoing tremendous changes. Digital publishing has become widely popular throughout the world with the carrier no longer confined to paper. A large number of readers have accepted and been accustomed to the use of computers, e-readers, mobile phones and other screen reading. E-books and online publication have grabbed a big share of the market. Personal publishing is also developing rapidly in many countries.

A few years ago, there were many people who predicted that paper publishing would die out, and that digital publishing and personal publishing were the future of this industry. In the future, publishers would be no longer needed, because everyone could be a writer, free to publish their own work and benefit from it. A senior publisher even clearly pointed out when paper books would become abandoned. The pace of time has not ceased and the demand for reading has continued strong, however the huge inflection point did not appear in the traditional publishing industry as predicted. Today we have found that the sluggish paper book market has begun to recover gradually.

According to the Report on China’s Retailing Book Market at Home and Abroad 2016 released by OpenBook, in the year 2016, the total retail market of Chinese books was worth 70.1 billion yuan, up by 12.30% year on year, compared with 62.4 billion yuan in 2015. The number of varieties of new books was about 210,300 with an increase of 4.31% over the previous year. That implies growth for five consecutive years. Children’s literature and Teaching-aid books are the main driving force of market growth with literature growing at a rate of 16.1%. China’s State General Administration of Press and Publication, Radio and Television released the Press and Publication Industry Report 2015, which states that the sales of paper books in 2015 did not decline but increased when compared to 2014. A total of 476,000 books were published nationwide in 2015, up by 6.1% from 2014. Book publishing generated an operating income of 82.26 billion yuan, up by 4.0% over the previous year. The total profit reached 12.53 billion yuan, an increase of 7.0%. 215,000 kinds of books were published or reprinted in 2015, an increase of 23,000, or an increase of 11.9%. 4.62 billion copies of books were reprinted, an increase of 490 million copies, or an increase of 11.8%, significantly more than the new version of the books. The average number of copies of books increased and the number of books of more than one million copies has increased from 66 in 2014 to 68 in 2015. These statistics show that the traditional publishing industry is not lacking in vitality despite the slow growth.

Undeniably, in recent years, innovation in technology has indeed brought a huge impact to the publishing industry which has grown slowly for hundreds of years. Technological progress, especially the rapid development and constant improvement of digital technology and network technology has accelerated the substantive transformation of the publishing industry. Digital technology and network technology has deeply penetrated this industry, exerting a significant impact on products, carriers and channels, etc. The new generation of IT, represented by mobile Internet, is leading the traditional publishing industry into deeper transformation and innovation in all of its aspects. It can be said that digital network technology is profoundly changing the industry, including its publishing model, means and the form of its carrier.

Changes in demand also affect the industry. Today’s young people are getting used to receiving information via the screen and paper publications are attracting a smaller and smaller group of readers. People’s overall reading habits are changing, with e-books, network publishing, self-publishing and other new models becoming gradually more popular and more accessible.

Although new forms of publication such as digital publishing have become an important part of this sector, paper books in Chinese reading markets should continue to be the main forms of publication over a relatively long period of time. First of all, it is difficult for people to completely change their reading habits which have developed over a long time, especially for middle-aged readers who are used to paper reading media. Reading for them is not just access to information and knowledge, but a way of life. For as long as it is possible, paper books will still be their long-term choice. Secondly, there are no other suitable alternatives to paper media for a lot of content presented at the current stage. Third, digital publishing in China has not grown as expected due to the business model not being perfect and technology changing too fast, as well as the industrial chain not being complete, and the problems it encounters are almost impossible to overcome: the majority of digital publishing content comes from paper books. As long as digital publishing fails to establish a complete industry chain and relies on the traditional publishing industry for content production, it is far from overturning the latter. Fourth, the development of technology which is in favor of digital publishing will help the progress of the traditional industry at the same time. Before the invention of word printing, engraving and publication consumed a significant amount of human and material resources. However, technical progress has enabled word printing to rapidly replace traditional methods, allowing an explosive growth in the spread of culture. The progress of today’s technology makes typesetting, proof printing and binding processes, essential to paper publishing more convenient and significantly reducing the demand for skilled workers. High-speed printing and mechanical binding conveniently increases the scale of production and reduces costs dramatically. Fifth, the popularity of on-demand printing facilitates small scale printing and paper publishing. The technological advances in the publishing industry are also lowering the cost of producing paper books.

In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of Internet technology, everyone can write and easily post his or her own work online. You can publish a chapter each time, or you can also publish the full text. Readers can correct the contents of the work and can even make recommendations. Authors and readers can interact at any time, and authors can even follow the aspirations of most readers in their creation. In China, the website of original literature was once very popular. Numerous grassroots writers found themselves able to completely abandon the shackles of traditional writing publication. Writing according to their own wishes, they can upload their work at any time to literary websites reaching a larger audience than traditional publishing. In this way, they have generated a lot of creative enthusiasm. On the platforms of China Reading Limited, there are literary works with hundreds of millions of words updated every day. Authors themselves can independently complete the process from content creation, the production of e-books, to profit-gaining from the reach of the network. They have broken the model of traditional publishing which necessitates professional editing and institutional implementation. At the same time, self-publishing is also rapidly developing in many countries. Since so many authors are completing their own publishing process, works are widely disseminated and generate a large number of financial returns. So, is it possible to completely change the rules of the game? Will the existing publishing model end?

It seems difficult.

Most authors generally have several needs after writing a manuscript: First, professional correction and amendment; Second, reaching more readers; Third, achieving maximum financial returns. These are the professional services the traditional publishing house has provided to authors. Such services are not always effective, for a large number of high-quality content has failed to reach large numbers even with the efforts of publishing houses. Moreover, countless good books are often ignored by the so-called experienced publishers. The world’s best-selling JK Rowling’s Harry Potter had been refused to publish by a number of publishers. The Writers Publishing House which I am working for published the A Good Mother is Better than a Teacher with a total sale of nearly 7 million copies. But the author Yin Jianli who was totally unknown by then had been rejected by several publishers before she presented her manuscripts to us. It seems that now more authors still choose to send their work to the publishing house to publish paper books and even e-books. The advantages of this are long-term resources and branding, a large number of outstanding professional editors, the ability to fine grind works and a focus on the channel market. Books, especially literary books, can have their value added and the text and dissemination improved if they are at the hand of editors with rich experience. For a writer’s work to enter the market, skills related to typesetting, format, materials, pricing, promotional activities, etc. are needed and are hard to grasp comprehensively for an ordinary person. Professional people are more suitable for helping a writer achieve their goal while maximizing the benefits.

Professional publishing is difficult to be replaced with individualized publishing, but the existing publishing model clearly fails to meet current needs. Scientific and technological progress is giving birth to new publishing content, products, carriers and publishing models, and laying the foundation for innovative business models for the industry. The continuous upgrading of technology promotes the transformation and upgrading of the industry. Reading interactive technology and multimedia products used in reading products are becoming mature, speeding up the conversion between texts, voice, image and other elements greatly. Publishing products will be widely expanded to radio, television, audio and video, film and other forms. Multimedia, cross-media, hypermedia models are emerging. With the support of new technology, products that enable us to see, hear, smell, present virtual images, and participate in themselves are prevalent. A large number of books will appear in wearable equipment. Digital reading will become more and more popular, with stronger book mobility and interaction. The Smart Writing based on large data and intelligent robot technology will emerge in large scale and partially replace human writing as an important source of content for publishing. Robots writing press releases is now a standard component for a lot of media platforms and works written by intelligent robots will soon attract a lot of readers’ attention in the near future. At the same time, the Smart Publishing model will also enjoy rapid development. The future of the industry will rely more on the support of advanced technology, which will also promote the industry to a new level or even create a revolution. Crowd funding publishing is becoming more popular, and self-publishing model is getting mature with advantages more prominent in the publishing process and dividend sharing. The maturity of voice conversion, text translation and other technologies will give rise to a subversive Global Publishing Model. Substantial changes take place in sales channels and marketing models. The convergence of traditional and emerging publishing is accelerating. When it is no longer isolated, but serves as the source of the content industry, publishing will have more possibilities.

Some temptations of the future are known but more often they come from the world we don’t know. Let us work together to find the unknown and see what the publishing industry can bring to the world.