

來源:廣東作家網(wǎng) | 安東尼·歐曼  2017年05月10日10:23





















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The Value of Criticism

Anthony Uhlmann

In writing and writing criticism there are two related questions that come up at the same time. Where do you start and why do you start? I want to say something about understanding, interpretation, teaching and value.

All of these things are tied to an idea of meaning. So on the whole I want to say five things (because I will talk about understanding twice) that relate to that one thing, meaning.

1. Understanding (intuition)

Where do you start and why do you start? You start with understanding, but something needs to ground or underwrite that understanding. Something needs to tell you that what you have understood has meaning. 

In the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s dialogue Ion, the philosopher Socrates explains that artists often do not know how or why they arrive at the truth claims they arrive at. This is true even of the greatest, even of Homer, but is exemplified in the dialogue through Ion, a performer of Homer who is also a commentator on Homer. The critic Ion, like the artist Ion, seems to work without either absolutely knowing the truth, or being conscious of possessing the adequate foundational knowledge on which it must be built.

Writing about this the contemporary American philosopher Nikolas Pappas argues there can only be two possibilities. The first is that the artist is a fraud (and so the critic would be a dupe). This is the case with the one who makes use of rhetoric. That artist has mastered techniques through which they might convince others of the truth of something without themselves knowing the truth. In this way they might convince others that things are true which are not in fact true.

The second possibility, however, is that the true artist might be saved by ‘inspiration’. That is, the artist can convey the truth without knowing it themselves if they are inspired by the gods. In turn this inspiration is passed on to the readers and the critics through the work.

While the idea of inspiration has fallen from fashion and has come to be associated with an idealized notion of artistic process, the idea of an inspired understanding, as that which founds the truth, survives in Western philosophy through the concept of intuition. That is, both intuition and inspiration involve a sense of understanding that seems to occur unbidden, as something that we know and sense to be true. 

After Plato, his student, the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is the first to genuinely talk of intuition. Aristotle’s intuition, like inspiration, involves an immediate understanding of things, an immediate grasping of a foundational truth. One might begin by asking why is this necessary? Why do we need some foundational concept? For Aristotle, and for many who came after, the problem of how one begins to think with certainty is troubling. For Aristotle, one begins with premises, which one knows to be true, and builds from these premises, through logical method in order to build certain truths. This is the kind of method one sees in mathematics or geometry. But how does one start?

Aristotle answers: we begin with some immediate understanding, some feeling of truth. It is the moment of immediate understanding that allows us to begin to reason, and thereby discover further truths.

Many centuries later an early modern French philosopher, René Descartes, continuing the tradition of seeing intuition as the foundation of knowledge, offers an example of how intuition works with the concept of the cogito. He famously states: ‘I think therefore I am’. This realisation, he argues comes to all of us as something that is certain, something we cannot doubt. From this first premise, which comes to Descartes as an intuition, he argues, the world can be built up with precision.

For the Dutch philosopher Spinoza, on the other hand, who came just after Descartes in the 17th century, it is the existence of existence itself, or all being, that, he claims, first strikes us as true. We know existence exists with absolute certainty and this too can allow us to build up through reason, an idea of the world.

What has this got to do with (literary) criticism?

2. Understanding (after long study)

When we read books, at least books that make us, as critics, want to write about them, when we read ‘good’ books, we want to write about them because they make us feel something. Something we think of as true, and we want to convey that to others, to students, for example, or potential readers of the book, or others who might be interested in understanding for reasons of their own.

But this process has already begun long ago, this process of understanding. It is tied to our education, our relationship to the language we read, in which the good book we have read lives.

We tend to forget it, but it takes long study before we can understand.

A colleague of mine at Western Sydney University, Michael Mohammed Ahmad recently gave a lecture about the African American thinker Malcolm X. Malcolm X went to prison as a young man and decided to change his life by reading books. When he tried to read the books, however, he could not understand them. He had to study hard to learn to understand. He studied the dictionary to learn meanings. This process too is mysterious. How does one come to understand? It is clear it requires long study, knowledge of meanings of words and how they relate to contexts, but once that is achieved there is already something else. It is something that was there at the beginning and allowed us to grasp the meanings of the words when they were explained to us. A sense of understanding that seems to be intuitive and immediate.

3. Interpretation

After long study, then, the critic is given by the good book a feeling of understanding and this feeling drives the critic to interpret. That is, this feeling drives the critic to want to explain to others what the critic has felt. Having been driven to this the critic has to find ways to express this understanding, within the forms open to the critic.

In the West this usually means through the essay for a general audience, or the critical essay for a more specialised audience. Here the critic will usually link the work the critic has read with other things which help the critic to explain the kind of meaning the critic has felt while reading the work. 

There is not enough time here to talk about the various methods of interpretation, of which there are many. I will just pass on to one more idea which will lead me to one claim.

4. Teaching (slow reading)

In some ways the critic is like the writer they write about, but in other ways different. The writer does not have to explain the meaning they create, whereas the critic attempts to. This is a fundamental difference. The writer leads the reader to think, the critic tries to move from being lead to think to examining what it is that one is thinking about. So the critic attempts a specific kind of pedagogy or teaching. It is not clear that the writer has to teach, however, or what they might wish to teach.

There is one thing, however, both the critic and the writer might be said to teach. They both teach ‘slow reading’. 

In the late 19th century the German philosopher Freidrich Nietzsche, who began his career not as a philosopher but as a philologist (that is, someone who studied the meanings of words) wrote “It is not for nothing that one has been a philologist, perhaps one is a philologist still, that is to say, a teacher of slow reading.”

I would claim that all those critics who work from understanding, in the way I have set out, teach slow reading. That is, they attend with care to the books they read and try to make those they teach also attend to those books with care.

This is a controversial claim nowadays in the West, as other methods are used and promoted, such as ‘distant reading’ which considers works of literature to be manifestations of general tendencies in any culture.

To my mind, however, distant reading is not really concerned with literature itself; rather, it is concerned with literature as a social function. This is clearly criticism, but it is not specifically literary criticism, it is social criticism. I do not mean to dismiss social criticism here, on the contrary, I merely wish to argue for the value of literary criticism.

5. Value

Critics who consider the social function of literature will have certain models of value, related to social formations and their generation. They will judge literature, insofar they do, with regard to the role it might be understood to play within these social formations.

The teacher of slow reading, however, will have a different idea of value. This is an idea of value which is, unfortunately, as challenging as the concept of intuition with which we began (and with which we always begin). 

The value is the value of meaning itself. The value involved for the critic who reads literature closely is the sense of meaning that the work the critic has read has given to the critic.

The value of criticism, then, is the extent to which it is capable of amplifying, underlining or exemplifying some of the kinds of meaning the good book (no doubt in relation to many other books) has caused that critic to feel. This in turn will allow others to understand. It will give others materials with which to learn to understand (just as Malcolm X read the dictionary from cover to cover to have materials with which to understand).