

李朝全:辨優(yōu)劣·鑒精粗·存經(jīng)典 ——文藝批評(píng)的價(jià)值
來源:廣東作家網(wǎng) | 李朝全  2017年05月10日10:26

















Distinguishing Good from Bad, Differentiating the Sophisticated from the Shallow, Identifying Masterpieces from a Multitude of Works---The Value of Literary and Art Criticism

Li Chaoquan

Returning to the Initial Intention and Common Sense of Art Criticism

The concepts, forms and mediums of literary and art creation have all changed in the omnimedia era, but the fundamental role of literary and art criticism remains the same— to distinguish good from bad, differentiate the sophisticated from the shallow, identify masterpieces from a multitude of works, and keep the classics classic. 

Literary and art criticism needs to rediscover its common sense and return to the initial and essential intention from which it sprang. In practice, literary and art criticism must face both artists and readers directly, with textual analysis of literature and arts as a foothold. The word “criticism” herein includes connotations of “review, annotation, refutation, judgement, comment and analysis.” Therefore, literary and art criticism means not only judgement and comment, but also critique and repudiation. Its aim is to discover masterpieces through praising good works and criticizing bad ones. The key of art criticism is to build a rational, objective and fair appraisal system as a reliable means to measure literary and art works. Its essential intention and purpose is to identify good works. Essentially, literary and art criticism, as well as all kinds of competitions and awards events, aim at selecting masterpieces. Literary and art criticism should follow the fundamental principles of “telling the truth and reasoning things out” and never lie or distort facts. 

Literary and art criticism, of course, represents a choice by a critic. In this way, critics recommend excellent works to readers and audiences, guide literary and art trends, and help to enhance the public’s taste for literature and arts. On the one hand, literary and art criticism guide the ideological trends of literary and art creation, and on the other hand, helps excellent works become classics etched into the history of literature, art and culture. The power of literary and art criticism lies in its depth of thought and its artistic appeal, as well as its driving and reaction forces for literary and art creation and its guidance and influence on readers and audiences. A qualified critic should accurately grasp the laws concerning literary and art creation, obtain insight into the philosophic and aesthetical connotations of literary and art works, pay close attention to the needs of target readers, and persistently explore the unique characteristics of different artworks. Only by doing so, he or she can examine, research, analyze and comment on the subjects of criticism from a higher standpoint and with a broader vision and mind—just like an experienced surgeon, who performs a dissection or an operation with a scalpel in an accurate, scientific manner; so that  he or she may not only position pathological changes and treat the diseases, but also  help the patient restore health. Literary and art criticism like this will benefit both the criticized authors or artists and audiences, which is conducive to the development of literary and art creation. 

Experience-based Tasting and Fastidious Analysis

Returning to the initial intention and common sense of literary and art criticism and building relevant criticism standards require reiterations of effective, honest criticism. 

First, the independence of literary and art criticism needs to be highly emphasized. Criticism is an independent kind of literary and art creation and practice. Critics are integral parts of literary and art production. As important participants in literary and art practice, critics exist independently from literary and art creation and practitioners. Literary and art criticism and creation should complement each other, rather than having a subject-object relationship in which one depends on the other. In addition, the duties and responsibilities of literary and art criticism should be further clarified. Besides reiterating the importance and uniqueness of literary and art criticism, we need also to respect and value its irreplaceable role and position. 

Second, the capacity of critics needs to be enhanced. An excellent critic, first of all, must be an expert in literary and art appreciation. As practitioners of literary and art criticism, critics need to master tools, means and skills regarding criticism and obtain the capacity of art aesthetics, appreciation, comparison and criticism. This requires that critics must make sufficient aesthetic and ideological preparations in terms of literature and arts, achieve high artistic and cultural accomplishments, build their own art assessment systems, and have rich experience in art appraisal, so that they can make accurate assessments and judgement when comparing a great deal of literary and art works. 

Third, object-oriented and targeted criticism should be promoted. Literary and art criticism should clearly distinguish its target readers, providing different content to different kinds of readers. Critics must always keep in mind their potential readers and try their utmost to ensure their criticism hits the core or key points of the objects they criticize from a high standpoint. To this end, it is necessary and important for critics to have some experience in art appreciation and creation. Throughout the history of literary and art criticism, critics who were able to give conductive, in-depth criticisms were mostly great writers or artists themselves. Therefore, it is necessary for critics to obtain profound knowledge and great capacity in fields like philosophy, ideology, history, and culture. 

Fourth, the individualism and self-sufficiency of critics’ writing must be fully recognized. As a creation process with unique value and significance, literary and art criticism should has its own ideological appeal and artistic quality. From a broad perspective, such criticism is a kind of literary and art creation, so it must abide by the fundamental laws of literary and art creation and will definitely have the basic characteristics of literary and art creation. Critics need to give full play to their imagination and creativity, and their criticisms should feature distinctive, individualized language style and pay attention to writing skills, so that the critical analyses they write will be lively and readable, rather than something dull and uninteresting. Literary and art criticism should also integrate functions such as education, aesthetics, and entertainment, which is supposed to give readers both inspiration and pleasure. Thus, various forms and genres of criticism should be encouraged to cater to the multifaceted, multilevel and diverse spiritual and cultural needs of different audiences. 

Fifth, a pleasant literary and artistic atmosphere and sound criticism ecology should be created. That means literary and art criticism should uphold artistic and academic democracy and implement the principle of “allowing all flowers to bloom and all schools of thought to contend with each other.” On the one hand, the standards, boundary, bottom line and “red line” of criticism should be determined. For instance, criticism should be confined to ideological and academic analysis, instead of personal defamation. While on the other hand, the rights of critics should be protected, so as to avoid undermining their enthusiasm and creativity. Meanwhile, the legitimate rights of those whose works are criticized should also be protected, and they should be allowed to counter the criticism they receive. Of course, writers and artists should remain calm and relaxed  in the face of criticism, show respect for critics, and be willing to accept goodwill criticism, thus promoting a platform for  communication between literary and art creation and criticism, critics and readers, and critics and authors and creating a sound criticism ecology that features flexibility, inclusiveness, democracy, equality, and dialogue. 

Sixth, the experiences of excellent critics of all time from around the world should be learned. Today’s critics should learn from renowned philosophers and critical masters, including not only their courage and boldness to directly face the realities and subjects of criticism, but also their profound artistic and ideological accomplishments, their subjective, rigid and reasonable approach, and their broad-mindedness, creativity, bravery and passion. 

Because of the aforementioned, I particularly advocate textual reading and analysis based on immersive, personal experience. Critics must, first of all, immerse themselves into textual reading, but at the same time they should keep a clear mind to pick holes through textual analysis. Criticism is like a sharp knife used to cut off “the rotten parts of an apple” because it aims to find problems and deficiencies. Following the steps from reading, research, appraisal to analysis, critics carefully read, analyze, and interpret the text, and then give constructive criticism. Only independent, self-sufficient, object-oriented and targeted criticism can fully demonstrate the power of literary and art criticism.