

來源:中國作家網(wǎng) |   2024年07月21日16:15


First International Youth Poetry Festival—Special Session for BRICS Countries Poets to Write a Poem Together


“This Poem Is Dedicated to Us”

在我的窗前鳥兒歌唱(Cida Pedrsa 西達(dá)·佩德羅薩)

肩膀的運(yùn)動引導(dǎo)飛翔(Rodrigo Vianna 羅德里戈·維安納)

她開始尋找一個方向(Nagat Ali 娜賈特·阿里)

龍吟在耳邊依舊回響(Ana Rüsche 安娜·魯什)

Birds sing at my window

Pectoral movements guide their flight

She begins to hunt for a direction

Dragon song still reverberating in her ears

每個人都在棋盤上改變位置(Alaa Hassan Fouda 阿拉·哈?!じ__(dá))

被詞匯的魔力吸引(Júlia Hansen 朱莉婭·漢森)

我尋找詩人未曾寫過的語詞(Ahmat Zakaria 艾哈邁德·扎卡里亞)

多少次我是一張潔白的宣紙(方石英 Fang Shiying)

讓詞語每一次都產(chǎn)生新的聲音(Rawan Talal Al-Nmeari 拉萬·塔拉勒)

我選擇照亮紙(趙汗青 Zhao Hanqing)

你制造輕易的形式(胡 桑 Hu Sang)

我們的故事產(chǎn)生部分交錯(劉 康 Liu Kang)

女人是太陽的后裔(Luiza Rom?o 路易莎·羅芒)

像一首充滿意義的詩(Prithviraj Taur 普里特威拉杰·陶爾)

這首詩獻(xiàn)給我們(Feben Fancho 費(fèi)本·方喬)

獻(xiàn)給我的父親,他比世界還要壯麗(Kianoosh Khan Mohammadi 基亞努什·漢·穆罕默迪)

Everyone swaps positions on the chessboard

Captivated by the gravity of words

I look for words unused by poets

How many times I have been a white rice paper

Creating new sounds from words each time

I choose to light up the paper

You make an easy form

Our stories produce parts interlaced

Women are the descendants of the sun

As a poem brims with meaning

This poem is dedicated to us

To my father, who is greater than the world

遼遠(yuǎn),被喧囂掩映(Ivan Alekseev 伊萬·阿列克謝耶夫)

植物龐大的根系藏著巨大的激情(桑 子 Sang Zi)

別無所求,除了這遼闊的寧靜(Hassan Amer 哈桑·阿米爾)

船從中間穿過滑行(Alfred Schaffer 阿爾弗雷德·薩弗爾)

我在幻想中游歷漫長的生命(Amal Alsahlawi 阿邁勒·薩赫拉維)

只用火把將元音闡明(Elizaveta Kheresh 麗莎·赫列什)

值得站在一首詩的峰頂(王二冬 Wang Erdong)

請靠攏并齊,親愛的星星(Evgeniia Uliankina 葉芙根尼婭·烏里揚(yáng)金娜)

Far and far away, obscured by the noise

Giant root system of the plant hides great passion

Nothing to ask for but this extensive peace

The boat gliding through the middle

I travel an endless life in fantasy

I use only torches to clarify the vowels

Worth standing on the summit of a poem

Please come together, dear star

當(dāng)我如孩子般撲向你(Sharif AI-Shafiey 謝里夫·沙斐伊)

擁抱在遼闊的星空下(馬驥文 Ma Jiwen)

我正從一道笑容的蜂蜜中飲你(Mohammad Hossein Bahranmian 默罕默德·侯賽因·巴赫拉米揚(yáng))

在夕陽的余光里(張小末 Zhang Xiaomo)

重鋪回歸之路(Lubi Prates 盧比·普拉特斯)

在河的鞋子里(Mangaliso Buzani 曼加利索·布扎尼)

終于可以安然入睡(Maksim Khatov 馬克西姆·哈托夫)

面對著世事深邃(王單單 Wang Dandan)

幼稚的我激勵中年的我(余 退 Yu Tui)

我祈愿天空落下另一個我(馮 娜 Feng Na)

不要開燈,你的雙眼就可以指引我(Huda Almubarak 胡達(dá)·穆巴拉克)

When I jump at you like a child

Embracing under the extensive starry sky

I drink you from the honey of a smile

In the glimpse of twilight

Pave the way back

In the shoes of a river

I can finally sleep in peace

In the face of this profound world

The childish me inspires the middle-aged me

I pray for another me to fall

Don't turn on the light, your eyes will guide me

越過海邊山丘,灌木叢和大象之地(Vonani Bila 沃納尼·比拉)

到一處山麓的邊緣,在那里(Hatem Al-hehri 哈特姆·謝赫里)

當(dāng)記憶在時間彎曲中變得恍惚(熊 焱 Xiong Yan)

你是彎曲的樹枝上最后剩下的果實(shí)(Edrees Bakhtiari 伊德里斯·巴赫蒂亞里)

為了未知的讀者,探路人或求索者(Aditya Shukla 阿迪蒂亞·舒克拉)

觸摸永遠(yuǎn)柔和的空氣(江 汀 Jiang Ting)

歷史之火在我們身后關(guān)上大門(Mxolisi Nyezwa 姆多利西·涅祖瓦)

萬物流螢照進(jìn)我們心底(楊碧薇 Yang Biwei)

Across seaside hills, bushes and elephant land

To reach the edge of a mountain

When time-warped memories fall

You are the last fruit left on a crooked branch

For the unknown reader, finder or seeker

Touch the ever soft air

The fire of history closes its doors behind us

All things shine into our hearts

每個黎明,每個黃昏(Tsegaye Girmay策加耶·吉爾梅)

還有在遠(yuǎn)方的平原俯瞰我們(Sultan Aldeet蘇爾坦·戴特)

街燈一盞接一盞亮起(梁書正 Liang Shuzheng)

開啟通往另一世光明的門(Maksim Dremov 馬克西姆·德廖莫夫)

像從巨大的光明中走出(談 驍 Tan Xiao)

我將以河床的形式回歸你(Hafez Azimi Kalkhuran 哈菲茲·阿齊米·卡爾胡蘭)

Every dawn, every dusk

And the plain in the distance overlooking us

Street lights come on one after another

Open the door to another life of light

As coming out of a grand light

I will return to you in the form of a river bed

灼熱的話語,鐘聲(Viacheslav Glazyrin 維亞切斯拉夫·格拉濟(jì)林)

所有能看見的幾乎都是新生(肖 水 Xiao Shui)

我是這無垠時空中懵懂的學(xué)生(張二棍 Zhang Ergun)

讓我們重新結(jié)合以獲重生(Seife Temam 塞費(fèi)·泰曼)

邀請整個世界完完整整地下一場雪(戴濰娜 Dai Weina)

聽雪落進(jìn)時間的甕中(李嘯洋 Li Xiaoyang)

朗誦給不可見的聽眾(Fatima Badr 法蒂瑪·巴德爾)

Burning words, bells

Almost everything that can be seen is reborn

I am an ignorant student in this infinite space and time

Let us reunite to be born again

Let us invite the whole world to fall in perfect snow

Listen to the snow falling into the urn of time

Recite to an invisible audience

有時禮物替我們說話(年微漾 Nian Weiyang)

月亮高高地卡在天空上(Alireza Ghazveh 阿里-禮薩·加茲韋赫)

愛在她廢棄的花園里游(Ahmed Yamani 艾哈邁德·葉麥尼)

在無名小舟上飄飄蕩蕩(Hassan Alnajjar 哈?!ぜ{賈爾)

請尊重我的傳統(tǒng)導(dǎo)向(Enock Shishenge 伊諾克·施申格)

微弱的火苗之上(Andrei Cherkasov 安德烈·切爾卡索夫)

來自拂曉的光(Thiago Moraes 蒂亞戈·莫賴斯)

Sometimes gifts speak for us

The moon stuck high in the sky

Love swims in her abandoned garden

Floating on a boat with no name

Please respect my traditional orientation

The light before dawn

Over the faint flames

一把烏德琴,卻無人彈唱(Shaikha Almteiri 謝哈·穆泰里)

無數(shù)個詞語沙粒里藏(盧 山 Lu Shan)

承接你的種子和信仰(Feben Fancho 費(fèi)本·方喬)

時隔多年又寫一行(Nikhilesh Mishra 尼基萊什·米什拉)

直到有一天,思緒如波浪(Parvathy Salil 帕爾瓦西·薩利爾)

贊美女孩眼中的水光(Mohamed Elmotayam 穆罕默德·穆塔亞姆)

幸福在分享中得到形狀(呂周杭 Lü Zhouhang)

旋律輕柔響起并給情緒定調(diào)(Gaireyah Fredericks 蓋蕾婭·弗雷德里克斯)

它為我生命中的每一刻奏響(Gautam Vegda 高塔姆·維格達(dá))

Here is an oud, no one playing

A million words hidden in the sand

Take your seeds and your faith

Write another line after many years

Until one day, thoughts like waves

Praise the water in a girl's eyes

Happiness gets shape in sharing

The melody sounds softly and sets the mood

It plays for every moment of my life

(English translation: Hai An & Jin Jin)